Thursday, April 19, 2012
Hello! Thought you'd like to see a pic of Radley who is now 18 months old.He sure has grown up and I just can't say enough about how much we lovehim. He's still a star at the dog park where he's met lots of friends.Radley is very athletic and can catch frisbees and balls for hours. Hisheight and weight are about what we expected and he is currently about 30pounds. His coat has been really beautiful as you can see in the pictures.Radley's very well behaved and we haven't had any of the puppy troublesthat others chewing on furniture or shoes, leaves the catsalone, no potty training issues. He's a very smart little guy and can doplenty of tricks...sit, stay, lay down, shake hands, dance, leave it, dropit, etc. Radley has a pretty good vocabulary and can identify and bring usa ball, frisbee, stick, toy, rings, wubba, bone and blanket. Long rides inthe car don't bother him and we took him all the way to Texas overChristmas and several trips down to the Central coast where he got to gowine tasting :)Thanks again for giving us such a fantastic addition to our family...welove Radley!