Darwin Update
Well, I thought I would make an official check-in regarding Mr. Darwin for your blogosphere.
Darwin is, ever, always full of love and brings everyone joy. It's hard to believe he is approaching 2 years old already! He is our constant companion and road warrior. We recently went camping again toS. Lake Tahoe where he seemed more at ease with his surroundings this time around. He did still, however, try to push his way through the tent thinking it was like home with a dog door. Heh heh. The area is rife with black bears looking for an easy dinner on the hoof and one evening after we finished dinner dishes Darwin began barking like mad. He doesn't usually bark and I had not seen him bark in that menner before. It was around *:45 and a few minutes later a fellow camper walked by saying they spotted a bearroaming through the campground. Our stalwart Darwin scared it off and the campground was quiet all night. How cold is lake water comprised of snow melt? I wouldn't know, but Drwin does and he's not saying.Snow melt did not stop him from jumping into the lake to swim..over and ovr! Oh, I do have to share one of the more amusing things he's done lately is is rding style. He rides bck with Maggie, but he likes to put hs paws on the center console and peer through the front. On our way back from Tahoe he took it a step further and put both front paws in my lap, half rested his tush on the side of my seat, while bracing himself with his back left let on Chris's chair. I included photos for illustrative purposes. He must be 75 pounds now. Not likely the worlds largest lap dog, but he does try. He goes just about everywhere with us except on our jaunts to Disneyland a couple times a year, but I've een considering how we might be able to say he's a guide dog so he can join us there too. Hee hee! Actually, I am looking into volunteer opportunities since he has such a great temerament, loves people (especially kids)and brings smiles to all that he meets. Everywhere we go he turns heads and inspires questions, smiles and affection. Darwin is still eployed as the newspaper retriever and looks forward to his job every morning! His other job is rousting Maggie out of bed with sniffs and big kisses, though sometimes I find he's snuggled up next to her and fallen back asleep. His work ethic can sometimes be swayed with the well-timed belly rub. He's intrigued by all things going on in the kitchen. Were it not for his lack of opposable thumbs, I believe he'd be one of the greatest sous chefs-LePetit Chien Gourmande! Also of note, Darwin is a very skilled kiss bandit! All I can say is life is sure a lot sweeter with Darwin beside us! I count our lucky stars every day for the Google results "Brasken Kennels".